Le Web Series sono senza dubbio il terreno dove germoglierà la creatività del futuro.
I registi e gli autori di oggi
possono svincolarsi dai limiti autoconclusivi del cortometraggio e inventare
sistemi narrativi basati sull’affezione continuativa ai personaggi... è una tale rivoluzione!
C'è chi come me con Stuck sta portando avanti una serie dove gli episodi sono strettamente connessi tra loro, c'è chi come The Pills realizza episodi senza soluzione di continuità con gli stessi personaggi, ma c'è anche chi usa una Web Series come un contenitore più vasto, dove storie non collegate tra loro trovano ragione di essere perché si rifanno ad un Pensiero come nel caso di Katie Schwartz, ideatrice e autrice della serie
Ho avuto modo di conoscere Katie tramite Koldcast Tv, le nostre serie sono abbastanza coeve, e ho pensato di farle un'intervista, ma intanto guardatevi il promo della serie:
Questa serie è unica per come racconta i personaggi femminili, sono "donne che vincono sempre" scrive Katie "anche se non sempre vincono quello che volevano"
Il primo episodio si chiama "Legs" ed è tratto dal saggio di Katie "My legs are closed for business", all'inizio pensavo fosse una trovata simpatica per dare una credibilità fittizia al video, e invece il saggio esiste sul serio ed è bellissimo! Potete leggerlo qui, è un racconto semi-autobiografico di quando Katie decise di incontrare tutti gli uomini che aveva conosciuto online... in un giorno solo!
Katie Schwartz scrive troppo bene perché io provi a tradurre il suo inglese, e si sa che io sono un patito della lingua originale (anche se non è la mia), ma commenterò in italiano le sue risposte.
Katie Schwartz sa come definire le cose e non ha paura di farlo, come definirebbe se stessa?
She would say that she’s neurotic, obsessed with writing, annoyingly independent and has about as much self-esteem as a dead rhino.
Chi è Katie Schwartz?
La tua vita in 100 parole?
“Ain’t nobody own time.” When I look at how many years the planet has been in existence, I realize that my time on earth is a glimpse, nothing more. For me, doing what I love, writing and writing/producing, and spending time with family and friends is what matters most. I treat people the way I want to be treated. Civility, kindness and decency are as important to me as comedy. For me, every day that I learn something new and challenge myself to do better, is a good day. I don’t take anything for granted. I appreciate everything.
Cosa ti ispira?
Con chi hai lavorato? Gli attori e i registi sono tuoi amici?
Avete un manifesto (esplicito o implicito)?
Tu definisci YTOSE una serie semi autobiografica, cosa si cela dietro il mio episodio preferito "Right of Passage"?
I am SO HAPPY you asked me about Right of Passage, thank you. This episode was near and dear to my heart. Every time I get pulled over, I have this compulsion to confess everything I’ve ever done. Katya Lidsky and Stirling Gardner were outstanding. Jamie Neese, the director was flawless. This was an incredible shoot and experience. 90% of this episode is 100% non-fiction.
durante l'estate Katie ha anche sfornato "The Penis Files", un piccolo mokumentary che probabilmente è il suo capolavoro
Ringrazio Katie per questa intervista, e vi invito a esplorare il suo mondo partendo da qui.
Katie Schwartz |
She would say that she’s neurotic, obsessed with writing, annoyingly independent and has about as much self-esteem as a dead rhino.
Chi è Katie Schwartz?
a comedy writer and philanthropist. I want everyone to do well and be
successful. One of the things I love about the web production community is how
passionate people are about creating opportunity for others. I’m a duality and
a massive pain in my own ass. In fact, the people closest to me often say “It
must be exhausting to be you.” They aren’t off the mark.
Può ben definirsi filantropa Katie, che ha anche fondato il sito Dear Thyroid dove combatte il cancro alla tiroide "una lettera alla volta" attraverso lettere che le persone scrivono alla propria tiroide.
Può ben definirsi filantropa Katie, che ha anche fondato il sito Dear Thyroid dove combatte il cancro alla tiroide "una lettera alla volta" attraverso lettere che le persone scrivono alla propria tiroide.
La tua vita in 100 parole?
“Ain’t nobody own time.” When I look at how many years the planet has been in existence, I realize that my time on earth is a glimpse, nothing more. For me, doing what I love, writing and writing/producing, and spending time with family and friends is what matters most. I treat people the way I want to be treated. Civility, kindness and decency are as important to me as comedy. For me, every day that I learn something new and challenge myself to do better, is a good day. I don’t take anything for granted. I appreciate everything.
Cosa ti ispira?
many things, a stoop in New York, an actor or actress, nightmares, dreams, people
watching—I am inspired all the time. Constantly, I take notes or jot down
ideas. Mentors and colleagues inspire me; their drive for continued success and
receptivity to my work. My family, to be sure. Of course, my life, which is
equal parts wacky, tragic and extraordinary.
Ogni episodio è introdotto da una breve confessione dell'adorabile Pearl, fino a che nell'episodio "Donuts" non la vediamo in azione. Personalmente adoro quando una situazione si fa così surreale da diventare nuovamente seria.
Brittany Flickinger as Pearl |
Cosa ti ha spinto a realizzare You're Thinking Of Someone Else?
I wanted to create a non-fiction comedy series about women, rooted in things that we find awful and humiliating, and a collective of actors, writers, comedians and directors to shine. As much as I love writing on my own, and I do, I’m also wildly in love with collaborating. This series, “You’re Thinking of Someone Else” is so collaborative. Without everyone’s point of view, each episode wouldn’t be as unique as it is.
I wanted to create a non-fiction comedy series about women, rooted in things that we find awful and humiliating, and a collective of actors, writers, comedians and directors to shine. As much as I love writing on my own, and I do, I’m also wildly in love with collaborating. This series, “You’re Thinking of Someone Else” is so collaborative. Without everyone’s point of view, each episode wouldn’t be as unique as it is.
Qual è il tuo ruolo in questa web series?
Creator, writer and executive producer. I didn’t write all of the episodes. The writers who participated in the series are absolutely genius. Again, this goes back to creating opportunity for everyone involved. Speaking for myself, if I want to do something, I’m going to fight like hell to make it happen.
Creator, writer and executive producer. I didn’t write all of the episodes. The writers who participated in the series are absolutely genius. Again, this goes back to creating opportunity for everyone involved. Speaking for myself, if I want to do something, I’m going to fight like hell to make it happen.
Con chi hai lavorato? Gli attori e i registi sono tuoi amici?
of the actors, comedians and directors were friends, while others were people I
always wanted to work with. I was so grateful to have the opportunity to work
with them. Who I didn’t know, I knew peripherally via Sit-n-Spin and, or Hell
House, and, or just running in the same circles-ish.
Gli attori e i registi di YTOSE sono professionisti?
Yes. Many folks are professional comedians, writers and directors. They work in television and film. How lucky that they generously gave me their time for this series, you know?
Siete amici? Siete una qualche sorta di Movimento Creativo?
Yes. Many folks are professional comedians, writers and directors. They work in television and film. How lucky that they generously gave me their time for this series, you know?
Siete amici? Siete una qualche sorta di Movimento Creativo?
I am SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT. The spirit of YTOSE is coming together to create a
funny series. Everyone has a point of view and everyone’s voice is important.
The high level of collaboration during pre-producing and production is amazing!
We all worked our asses off to create a fabulous environment. Plus, Jamie
Neese, one of the directors who directed multiple episodes was, in a word,
amazing. He breeds camaraderie and a sense of comfort with everyone he works
with. Please, everyone was so incredible, Melinda Hill, Becky Thyre, Gary
Shapiro, Jonathan Schmock, Martin Olson, Jeff Bowser, Stirling Gardner, Katya
Lidsky, and the list goes on, and on, and on. My production partner, Brad
Lavery played a very integral role in making this series happen, as did our
outstanding crew of DP’s, sound people and PA’s. Shooting the first season was
bad ass. We’re very excited about shooting Season Two. Here are pictures of the rotating cast and crew. I’ve also included this link to
check out more pics from Season
One. Yes, I
know that I’m a shitty photographer.
Avete un manifesto (esplicito o implicito)?
really, but I few things I live by:
true to yourself and who you are.
Understand that after I create something and I’m ready to send it into
the world, I segue into the business of writing, and that’s a good thing.
Never be married to my words.
Unexpected surprises
will only elevate the series.
Anche se gli episodi di YTOSE non sono collegati tra loro c'è un grande senso di unità, come se tutti appartenessero a un... sentimento, a un sistema di pensieri. I personaggi sono così adorabili nella loro disperazione pop, come definiresti il vostro stile?
For this series, I wanted to go confessional, non-fiction with lots twists and turns. Women always have to win in YTOSE, even if what they win isn’t what they wanted. Overall, I’m drawn to creating complicated and unpredictable female roles. I love roles where people have psychiatric disorders. Becky Thyre shares that passion.
YTOSE raggiunge il difficile obiettivo di essere divertente e sofisticata allo stesso tempo, quest'attitudine paga? Come sta rispondendo l'America allo show?
For this series, I wanted to go confessional, non-fiction with lots twists and turns. Women always have to win in YTOSE, even if what they win isn’t what they wanted. Overall, I’m drawn to creating complicated and unpredictable female roles. I love roles where people have psychiatric disorders. Becky Thyre shares that passion.
YTOSE raggiunge il difficile obiettivo di essere divertente e sofisticata allo stesso tempo, quest'attitudine paga? Come sta rispondendo l'America allo show?
a very generous and kind thing to say. A big thank you to everyone who
participated in YTOSE to make it happen. The series debuted June 1, 2012, so
we’re just two months old, but we’re doing well. We are growing our audience,
which takes a minute and patience. Of which, I suck at. I have faith in the
Che lavoro fai? Sei una scrittrice/produttrice a tempo pieno?
I’m working on it. I am a 24/7 dame; a workaholic, but that’s a good thing. I do make time for other things that are equally important, a life, family and friends. I live to write and write to live; it really is my oxygen, lame ass as that sounds.
I’m working on it. I am a 24/7 dame; a workaholic, but that’s a good thing. I do make time for other things that are equally important, a life, family and friends. I live to write and write to live; it really is my oxygen, lame ass as that sounds.
Tu definisci YTOSE una serie semi autobiografica, cosa si cela dietro il mio episodio preferito "Right of Passage"?
I am SO HAPPY you asked me about Right of Passage, thank you. This episode was near and dear to my heart. Every time I get pulled over, I have this compulsion to confess everything I’ve ever done. Katya Lidsky and Stirling Gardner were outstanding. Jamie Neese, the director was flawless. This was an incredible shoot and experience. 90% of this episode is 100% non-fiction.
durante l'estate Katie ha anche sfornato "The Penis Files", un piccolo mokumentary che probabilmente è il suo capolavoro
Ringrazio Katie per questa intervista, e vi invito a esplorare il suo mondo partendo da qui.
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